Empathy is the heart of design.
Creative leadership, UX, visual design, product design…
If you really care, you’ve got to put in a lot of work in to understand who it’s for. I’m a people person. I don’t do busy work and oversell it. I do meaningful work for the people that really need it and, as a byproduct, it’s easy to sell. Lets start with small wins and roll them up into a big idea that really wows everybody involved.
Other than that, I’m a big nerd. I like bouldering, which I’m told is a millennial thing. I’m the DM for my friends and family, so planning Dungeons and Dragons sessions keeps me feeling creative. I think we all know the MCU is a little off-the-rails right now, but baby do I still love it. AND, fortunately for me, my daughters are helping me learn how to handle playing scary video games… so my gaming palette continues to expand past platforming and souls-like games.